Success Stories
Prevent Child Abuse America helps parents thrive through home visiting services provided by the PCA America program Healthy Families America. Read how we’ve helped parents succeed.

I have been trying gentle parenting. Because that has always been important to me. I personally don’t want to smack my child. So my home visitor has also been helping me a lot with that. And I’m just really proud of myself because it has helped me a lot to see I could raise my kid differently than [how] I was raised.

The Healthy Families program staff above all else I think they are very kind, friendly, and as I said, they help us find solutions to problems that we think are big problems – they reduce them and help us find solutions. Working with my home visitor is like finding the solution to my problems. Because sometimes as a mom, besides everything else that needs to be done at home and taking care of the baby, and then my other son… sometimes you get frustrated, right? And she is always there saying, ‘Karlita no, don’t treat him this way, treat him differently.’ She gives me that confidence and that strength to be able to keep going and say ok, I can do it and I do it. And in reality, the support that she has given me is something incomparable that I have never had in my life.

Healthy Families has helped me to be the mom I want to be by giving me information, guiding me and giving me self-confidence. Because when you know what you’re doing, when you’re informed, you do things with more certainty. When you’re getting information from a trusted source, then that empowers you to do things with more certainty.

Having them always ask me if I had any signs of depression or how I was because obviously dealing with two kids. Obviously those first few months were sort of hard because of having to adjust. Having the home visitor’s support, I didn’t feel alone.

By the Numbers
For 50 years, we’ve generated lasting, nationwide impact – our annual numbers speak for themselves.
families served
individuals directly impacted